
Ginger: has long been renowned for its use in cooking and for its aromatic smell, but did you know that there are also many health benefits of ginger root such as curing nausea and helping with digestion. Ginger has been used by Chinese herbalists for more than 2,500 years as flavoring in food and also as a medicine. There is a wide range of benefits of ginger such as nausea, digestive problems, circulation and arthritis. Nausea caused during pregnancy or by travelling is one of the benefits of ginger root. Ginger is also known to have the ability to calm an upset stomach and to promote the flow of bile. Stomach cramps can be eased and circulation can also be improved. Ginger supports a healthy cardiovascular system by making platelets less sticky which in turn reduces circulatory problems. 

Benefits: Aid arthritis, Have blood and cholesterol lowering properties. Boost energy and restore body vitality.

Manjakani: (Oak Gall) has been used widely in the ingredients of the traditional medicine for centuries by the Arabs, Persians, Indians, Chinese and Malays. It is believed that Manjakani has been used since 2725 BC by the ancient Egypt. Due to the rich contents of tannins in manjakani, it is widely used in the traditional medicine especially in healing external tissue damage and also tightening the muscle due the childbirth process. Research also shown that the astringent properties in manjakani can help restore the vaginal tissue growth, strength and elasticity.

Benefits: Aid lessen discharge, Tightening the vagina muscle, Improves the breast elasticity. Boost energy and restore body vitality. 

The pomegranate: (Punica granatum) is steeped in magical history and folklore and has a diverse collection of medicinal, nutritional and cosmetic uses. Over the centuries it has been regarded as magical, mystical and healing.

Packed with antioxidants equal to those in green tea and red wine, and especially loaded with Vitamin C and Potassium, pomegranates are said to help: Lower Risk of Heart Disease, Lower Risk of Cancer, Especially, Prostate & Breast, Lessen Symptoms of Diarrhea, Reduce Cholesterol, Control Your Weight, Fight Cell Damage.

Star Anise:  is a culinary spice and medicinal herb that is cultivated from an evergreen tree native to tropical and subtropical areas of China and Vietnam. A warming spice, star anise is most widely used for treating digestive ailments such as abdominal cramps, bloating, belching, constipation, gas, indigestion and stomach aches. In China, the herb is often consumed after meals to help dispel gas and bloating caused by food. It is believed that star anise activates the body’s digestive enzymes, which helps assimilate heavy foods such as meats and fats.

Benefits: Aid expelling mucus and flow, Aid abdominal pain and digestive disturbances, Relief flatulence. Boost energy and restore body vitality. 

The active ingredient in  turmerics cur-cumin. Turmeric has been used for over 2500 years in India, where it was most likely first used as a dye. Long known for its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has revealed that turmeric is a natural wonder, proving beneficial in the treatment of many different health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer's disease.

Benefits:  Aid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, Protection from liver disease, Assist in countering anemia, Healing of wounds and damaged skin, Boost energy and restore body vitality. 

Disclaimer: The information provided on Belimbing and/or Tacca Integrifolia is for educational purposes only and IS NOT intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek professional medical advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.