Belimbing Tanah Herbs

Just a Brief Info,


Centuries man has to know and explore nature to meet the needs of life and tackling the problems faced every day. In continuation of efforts that gave birth to a variety of institutional life of society. Among the institutions are government institutions, the institution of marriage and medical institutions. In the archipelago, especially in Malaya, the community is also famous for its own medical institution which today is known as the Malay traditional medical institutions.

The members of the Malay traditional medicine has a particular skill for making drugs, particularly the use of plants. These plants are used alone and mixed with other materials either from the type of plant - a plant or not plant - a plant.Knowledge about the usefulness of these plants were obtained from family or demanded from a person skilled in the field of medicine. 

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They usually know the types of trees that can be used as remedy for poisonous plants. If they are skilled in this area then they may be regarded as an expert in traditional plants. The plants used in traditional Malay medicine can be found side by the river, wetlands, forests, and may also be in tonnage around the house. Some plants can not be moved to other places or to the area near the house because it only applies to land and certain temperatures. Therefore one should look for when want to use it as medicine. Recruitment of plants require a certain manner to be followed so that drugs be made more effective. Once the necessary materials available, they need to mix the materials with certain ways.

The materials to yield measured in advance to suit a particular type of disease. Specially formulated to cater individual needs to optimistic general health and other targeted health concerns. Our main herb - Belimbing Tanah or also known as Tacca Integrifolia is of the highest grade to ensure that our consumers get the fullest benefit. 

Tacca integrifolia is a tropical herb with a core distribution in Southeast Asia. It is a plant with a cylindrical rhizome and has large leaf blades on a petiole up to 15 inches long. Flower spaces on well established plants can grow to 3 ft. tall. The flowers are a purple color. It has been used for treatment of gastric ulcer, enteritis, hepatitis, controlling blood pressure and improving sexual function. Also known as bat plant, white bat flower or belimbing, is distributed throughout Southeast Asia but can be observed elsewhere in the world where it is popular among conservatories and hobby horticulturists. Its peculiar “whiskers” are actually fill form Bacteriol, or small bracts (modified leaves) which arise in the same axils as the flowers.

The unusual flowers of Tacca make one question why such an elaborate floral structure might have evolved. Often guesses can be made, much like Darwin predicted that the orchid angrae cum sesquipedale would have a pollinator with a proboscis long enough to reach its nectar. The later discovery of its pollinator in 1902, the hawk moth xanthopan morgani praedicta,  proved Darwin right. As for Tacca, some have suggested the deceit syndrome as a reason for the evolution of the elaborate flowers. The resemblance of Tacca to decaying organic matter is cited as evidence that it is attempting to attract flies (sapromyiophily) to facilitate cross-pollination. Some traits associated with sapromyiophily include dark flowers and bracts, fill form appendages, trapping mechanisms and the absence of nectar.

All traits that are possessed by Tacca species (Tacca integrifolia is also reported to have a musty smell). However, one study has found that Tacca Species are primarily self fertilizing and have no great need for pollinators.

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